Christmas Awards 2011

Sunday 8 June 2008

Forbidden Lord

By Helen Dickson.
Published by Robert Hale LONDON

Eleanor’s world had fallen apart, her beloved Mother lay on the huge bed her life drained out of her, the stillborn child had been taken away.
The tears rolled down her face, she was alone now in her stepfather’s house, a house where she and her Mother had moved to on her mother’s marriage to Sir Frederick Atwood. A man whom her Mother had trusted to care for them and keep them safe, after her first beloved husband, Eleanor’s Father, had been beheaded at the Tower of London a few years before, for so called treason against Queen Mary. Consequently, the crown had confiscated all of their lands and for this the blame lay with Sir William Marston who, Eleanor had been told, betrayed her father, before fleeing for his own life.
Life had been hard and cruel for both Eleanor and her Mother in the time they had lived at Fryston Hall, now Eleanor felt so alone and vulnerable, she disliked her step- father intensely, he was a hard cruel man. One night she awoke to find him in her room and he tried to molest her but she fought him off and kneed him where it hurt most. Running from her room she heard him shouting threats and insults after her. That night she determined to leave his home and go to her Uncle in Yorkshire and ask him to protect her.
Her step -sister was being married in a day’s time and although they had never been close Eleanor decided that she must stay until after the wedding. She would have her chance to escape once the wedding was over and the celebrations were in full swing. But something happened at the wedding feast, which would alter her plans.
Lord William Marston strode into the celebrations and threatened Sir Fredrick. Eleanor was horrified that the man who had betrayed her father so cruelly actually had the audacity to show himself there. But against her conscience and her hatered of the man, she decided to ask Lord Marston to let her accompany him on his journey, which she knew would take her near to her destination. She did not know what her step father had done to make Lord Marston threaten him and she truthfully did not care if only he would let her travel with him, she would somehow not think about what he had done to her family, after all she would never have to see him again when her journey was over.
What will happen to Eleanor when she leaves her stepfathers home with or without Lord Marston’s help? Eleanor is a strong courageous girl but can she over come the tragedies that befall her when she reaches York and can she find happiness and love in her escape. This is a powerful Elizabethan romantic story in a time when young ladies were often victims in their own families and had very few rights. The book is a very good read and will be enjoyed I am sure by readers who love the Historical Romances. I award this book, 4 red roses. AS.

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