Christmas Awards 2011

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Dark Descent

Dark Descent-Basilisk Tales-Book One/Riane Lasair/DarkEdenPress/Gay/Lesbian/Yaoi

In order to survive, two worlds come together to save their people. Brandish was sent to the underground city of Undernegra on a mission to help against a traitor. A traitor who planned to detroy the people of the Undernegra and the city itself. But as danger strikes and temptations and love comes just as threatening . Vee from Undernegra is assigned to assist Brandish in all ways possible. But can they keep their distances or should they give into their desires?

Riane Lasair has written a vivid story filled with danger and love. Sensuality and intrigue. Dark Descent is a different sort of story that's worth a try for those looking for something apealing and new. Or even if it's a theme a reader enjoys alot. I'm sure it would please any reader who likes these type of stories. Five Red Roses. MP.
Why not give it a try:

I think this is probably eighteen plus, Anne

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