Tell us a little about yourself
I’m a single Sagittarian chocolate loving horror movie fan. I was born, raised and currently live on Chicago’s southeast side. I had brief stints living in Seattle and in a town called Whiting IN. I am the oldest of five kids and can get bossy. Um, reading is one of my all time passions and my library card has scorch marks from overuse. I also own enough tomes to start my own library. If you ever want to borrow one, let me know. My other loves are music, theatre and going to museums. I’m the person at the museum who has to read every single placard so I usually end up going by myself. I also love to bowl and play pool.
What do you write?
I am currently focused on erotica and romance, because I think love and sex and relationships are so interesting to write about. Each of my three releases are different in style though. Michael’s Keeper is a paranormal set in an alternate reality, Dream On(which received four red roses, thank you!) is a contemporary and Love Haight is a nostalgic contemporary set in 1967 San Francisco. I write whatever comes to mind. Sometimes I get a setting in mind or a character and other times a plot idea will form. Eventually, I hope to have stories that are historical, mystery, sci fi, fantasy or I may create whole new hybrid. My brain is funny like that.
Why do you write?
I write because I have stories and characters in my head that are dying to get out. Even if no one read my stuff I would still write.
What are you writing now?
Right now I’m working on a paranormal erotica involving werewolves. Werewolves are my favorite Halloween/horror movie characters.
What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
The more comfortable, the better. Tee shirts, jeans, leggings. I don’t like skirts at all.
Are you in love? Have you ever been?
Not now, but I thought I was once. He turned out to be so very very wrong for me.
Do you have a dream lover – and what does he or she look like?
I have an entire harem of dream lovers...David Tennant, Hugh Jackman, Johnny Depp, Gerard Butler, Jamie Bamber, Oded Fehr, Olivier Martinez...the list just keeps growing. I love variety so my dream lover of the moment depends on what kind of mood I’m in. Of course they are all tender, funny, exceptionally talented...Oops did I say that out loud?
What kind of comfort food do you like best?
I love pizza, chocolate chip cookies, and cheese and crackers. Mashed potatoes too.
What makes you laugh? Cry?
I love to laugh out loud and so hard that my eyes water. I find humor everywhere and almost anything can set me off from the slapstick to the droll. Most of the time I get choked up with a couple of tears streaming down my face at things like sad movies, songs, military ceremonies. When I cry it is absolutely alone and it’s usually someone’s death or serious illness or if I’ve gone through something awful.
What do you do to amuse yourself when not working?
I read, watch movies, go out with friends and take myself on artist dates to the theatre, the ballet or to a gallery. I also make jewelry.
What is it in a man or woman that turns you on? The clean version please!
Aww, darn it! Just when I was about to talk about... A good personality, a certain sparkle in the eye and the way he looks at me. He also has to make me laugh.
What do you hate about life?
I hate stress, though I work best under pressure. I hate sweating small things and time spent on necessary evils like bills.
What do you hope to achieve in life and when will you know that you have been a success?
Personally, I want to travel to every continent and make a worthy contribution to this world. I want to leave this planet knowing I did some good. Professionally, I’d like to have one story turned into a film, but I’ll be okay if that never happens. Honestly, success for me will be the day I can walk into a library and see one of my books there in the old card catalogue.
What are you going to write next?
I have two pieces to finish, one is an historical and the other is a contemporary. Beyond that is a sci fi trilogy.
Thank you so very much for this opportunity. I really enjoyed myself. This is the only the second interview I’ve ever done so I was excited and nervous. I love hearing from people so feel free to get in touch with me at http://www.myspace.com/melbwrites Thanks again and have a wonderful week
Hi Melissa,
You sure give a terrific interview. Thanks for the insight to you and your work. I will definitely have to buy your books!
Thanks, Sloane! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I loved writing them.
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