Tell us a little about yourself
I'm an author, editor, publisher, reader, movie buff, mother, wife, hospital unit clerk, gardener, former competition costumer and production assistant, and environmentalist...not necessarily in that order. LOL. I live in Southern California with my actor/producer husband and the last of 7 children still at home: a 4 year old daughter who composes songs and wants to win American Idol—next week if possible. I grew up in a show biz family and I guess it stuck!
What do you write?
Romantic fiction in a variety of subgenres. When I write murder mystery, there's romance in it. Contemporary intrigue? Romance arc. Paranormal or psychic mystery? Romance again. Seems I can't fight it—and I don't want to. There's just something so satisfying about exploring that exciting time in a person's life when they find new love, and I enjoy the challenge of putting a unique spin on the typical boy-meets-girl arc we all know (and many love).
Why do you write?
It's a way of reading, and I LOVE good stories. Because I let my characters tell me their stories to a large degree rather than the other way around, each book I write unfolds as mysteriously as the books I read. That this is an interactive—and sometimes controllable—form of reading is a huge added attractant that I've found rather addictive!
What are you writing now?
My current WIP is an erotica novella called Kata Sutra. It's a love triangle/menage story between a karate instructor, his assistant, and a new student. I also have a paranormal romance nearly complete called The Wiccaning, about a "good girl" who falls into a one night stand...and discovers the stranger in her bed is a witch.
What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
I work full time in a hospital, so I'm often modeling those oh-so-fashionable scrubs! Other times, I'm a bit earth hippie meets casual mom.
Are you in love? Have you ever been?
Many times...gotta love love! My husband Mike was the cool guy in our social group; you know, the guy with a dazzling smile, charm, and taste of long-haired bad boy you just HAVE to have. Ten years later, he's cooler, longer haired, and sexier than ever. Thankfully, life with a hunk/actor means never lacking for sizzling hot romance novel ideas!
Do you have a dream lover – and what does he look like?
See above. Outside that, I'll admit that Johnny Depp has done a cameo or two in my dream life...and was partial inspiration for a couple of my alpha hunk heroes!
What kind of comfort food do you like best?
Yes! Heh heh. It depends, but chocolate is up there in the top five slots of my top ten.
What makes you laugh? Cry?
My husband and children do both—generally more of the former than the latter, thankfully! That aside, I'm a sucker for a good movie.
What do you do to amuse yourself when not working?
See above!! Dig movies—it's a prerequisite for living in a family involved in show biz for four generations now—and we have over 600 DVD's in our collection. I also love to read a wide variety of genres. After a several month stint of reading Hannah Howell and Karen Marie Moning's highlander series', I am now reading Stephen King's Duma Key AND Dean Koontz' Odd Thomas. Though we live in an apartment, I love to garden and am interested in the environment, so I grow what veggies I can on our patio deck. I'm even growing loofah sponges this year! Yep, the kind you scrub cellulite and the sink with. LOL
What is it in a man or woman that turns you on? The clean version please!
Humor, that smoldering undertone, and that irresistible knowledge that a sexy man wants you so much he can't stand it.
What do you hate about life?
That there are only 24 hours in a day when I have things I want to get done, and that there are 24 whole hours a day when I'm doing things I DON'T want! Sometimes I wish I could defer sleep to the afterlife.
What do you hope to achieve in life and when will you know that you have been a success?
That I'm here with a family, a job, a life, AND a writing career is a huge success story, since i battled alcohol addiction many years ago. It's a disease few can battle their way back from successfully, and every day thereafter is a gift.
What are you going to write next?
I've got SUITE SEDUCTION, an adult fantasy-island series of books in the works, Book 1 under consideration with Ellora's Cave and Book 2 recently finished. Once The Wiccaning and Kata Sutra are complete I'll get back to the rest of the seven-book series.
1 comment:
Excellent interview, Lisa. I can't believe you have seven children and still look like you're 21.
Congratulations on the new series and all your successes.
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