Secrets of the Tudor Court by D.L. Bogdan
Publisher: Kensington
May 2010
ISBN: 978-0-7582-4199-3
Pages: 336
England 1519 - 1555
Mary Howard, daughter of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk one of the most powerful men in King Henry VIII’s court. Mary is thrilled when her father tells her she is to go to court and will attend Henry VIII’s mistress, Anne Boleyn. Mary has been looking forward to being able to go to court and to find out she will finally have the opportunity is a dream come true. She knows that Anne Boleyn is going to be very important as no matter what Anne touches seems to turn to gold.
What Mary never expects is to find that is that she is just a pawn of her father’s and that he is carefully orchestrating a plot that because of who and what he is Mary dares not disobey him. Yet it seems that no matter how much she tries to please her father she just can’t seem to do so. While at court Mary finds the love and approval in the one person she never expected to find it, the Duke of Richmond and King Henry VIII’s son. Mary sees this as a chance to finally be free of her father’s plotting. Now for Mary to find the happiness she craves she is going to have to find a way to play her part in the dangerous tides of court life. It just might be the only way that she will be able to change her life and possibly the course of history.
This is a wonderful story in the look that it gives in the time of King Henry VIII”s court from a completely different perspective than most stories of that time give the reader. This a peek into what the court was like behind the scenes of all the different plots that were going on for different people to get the power that they wanted and craved and those that got caught up in the plotting and paid the ultimate price. This one covers a time period of years and yet it is written in such a way that it covers the highlights and yet the reader gets the important facts in a very short amount of time.
I give this one 4 red roses
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