Courting Lord Dorney
For those of us who love the Regency Era this book is a pure pleasure to read. The flavour is true Regency, the story line shows a little of the darker side of those times but not enough to upset or disgust us just enough to make a good story with some twists included.
Rosabella Traherne is the main character; she has been left a fortune by her wealthy Nabob uncle. Bella has many ideas for the use of her fortune and not included in them, is to marry a fortune hunter and leave her fortune in her husbands hands as would have been expected in Regency times. She is a very forward thinking young lady who wishes to help the many underprivileged children, especially in her beloved fells area where she was brought up, even stray dogs find a place in her heart.
Bella was disgusted with the young men she had met in Harrogate, she knew they were all fortune hunters who would not have given her a second look had she not possessed a large fortune. She is determined to try to find someone who would love her for herself even if she had little or no money. To this end she persuades her cousin Jane, Lady Hodder, whose husband is away, to accompany her to Bath where she intended to be plain Miss Collins.
Lord Dorney shies away from young ladies with fortunes and all match making Mamas. His brother had a disastrous marriage to an heiress and Lord Dorney has no plans to follow his mistake, in fact he keeps clear of most young ladies when ever possible. That is until he meets Miss Collins in Bath and witnesses some of her unusual behaviour when she encounters any form of cruelty taking place.
Obviously of gentile birth she intrigues him and he intentionally develops her acquaintance becoming very attentive, making the gossiping ladies of Bath predict a romance. Unfortunately a very undesirable young man recognises Bella, as he had met her in Harrogate. He makes himself very disagreeable and threatens to expose her unless she agrees to ………….?
This author is new to me, although very well known, but I shall certainly be reading many more of her Regency Romances.
Do read this delightful book and find out all of the twists and turns it is full of, I really enjoyed it and I am happy to award this book 5 red roses. AS